
Monday, July 26, 2010

Pathway analysis: Data analysis and exploration of cancer transcriptome

How to analyze such analysis?? I keep wondering what is the best methodology to uncertain answer from the vast amount of high-throughput data. A lot of questions need to be answered. Finally, I've found a slide presentation that have similar things that I've wanted to figure out. It captivates my reading that those questions perhaps could help me to investigate more and answer my questions. Those questions that captured me are:

1. What regulatory relationships exist between the genes or protein in my dataset?
- Networks

2. Which biological and disease processes are most relevant to my genes of interest?
-Functional analysis

3. Which well-characterized cell signaling and metabolic pathways are most relevant to my experimental data?
-Canonical pathways

4. Which functions and pathways are regulated at different times, dose, disease state, array vs proteomic studies?

5. Search for genes associated with disease, cellular phenotypes. Create lists of genes to analyze.

6. Edit pathways, build molecular models by connecting genes of interest, identifying regulatory paths between genes
-My pathways

Hopefully from those questions, it would assist me to look into the insight of biological mechanisms in the cancer progressions. Now I'm trying to focus my study and see what happen next.. till then..

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