
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Citation from "Al-Quran's Best Health Secret"

Dangers of smoking:

Cigarette contains more than two hundred and toxic substances. Among the most dangerous is nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Nicotine is the addictive substance that affects nerve cells in the brain to release dopamine (cell / neurotransmitters that create a feeling of comfort and pleasure when smoking).Therefore, smokers become addicted.

There are two types of smokers; active smokers and passive smokers. Active smokers are those who live on smoking while passive smokers are those who inhale tobacco smoke. Typically, passive smokers have a risk of health disorders twice as large as those of active smokers inhale cigarette of side stream smoke and main stream smoke.

Side-stream smoke = smoke from cigarettes is not go through the filtering and has a high concentration of poisonous substances.

Main-stream smoke = smoke inhaled by smokers, and have gone through filtering.

By looking at the adverse effects of smoking both in terms of health or economic, then of course we as Muslims must refrain from smoking because the harm is greater benefit from boiling. In addition, there is nothing in Islam to smoke, both in the Qur'an or Hadith. Actually, smoking is a culture of Indian tribes as veneration of the god Shiva. Hence, there is the view that smoking is not only illegal, but also musyrik (disobey god's law). The reason is there is no such teaching in Islam and usually smokers are more likely to prioritize cigarette smokes because they will do everything to smoke. For smokers, smoking is everything, more important than anything else.


Islam requires the fasting month of Ramadhan. In terms of health, the rationale of fasting is vital . What would happen if no one's fast? Digestive organs will work all the time without a break and so that the cells will quickly die and degradation. As a result, rapid aging will follow. Spiritually, those who fast will feel calm. It is very influential on the harmonization of energy cells so stress hormones under control.

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